This is the slumber party gear and bear from 1996, that's before I was born! I love the mini twister (One of my favorite games!)

Midevel Princess outfit from 1998. I wish they still made lots of Halloween costumes, and doesn't this look really well made?

Such an adorable school outfit! I especially love the skirt. It's the Plaid Skirt and Sweater outfit from 1999

Purple is my favorite color, and it looks great on this doll! The shirt is the best. This is the denim jumper outfit from 2001.

This is my last favorite, the Grecian Princess Costume from 2004. Isn't it awesome? I love the headdress to peices!
What's your favorite retired AG outfit(s)?
My favorite color is purple, too! I LOVE the Grecian Dress, and the Twister is super cool. I wish they were all still available! Tomorrow I'm posting my new contest!!! This will be my first one, so I'm really hyped up.:)
~*Emma and her dolls*~
I like the Greek goddess dress.
When will you post the play?
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