Sunday, April 24, 2011

Molly's Birthday Party

Hi everyone! It's Molly and today I celebrated my Birthday! It was really on friday, but my friends and I decided to celebrate it today because friday was Good Friday. My party didn't quite start out the way I had planned. You see . . . .

"Oh no!" I cried this morning, "It's raining out, but I was going to have my party outside!!!!"

Suddenly, Katie walked up. "What's wrong, Molly?" she asked. "I was going to have my Birthday party outside today, but it's raining! Emily and I are going back to the 1940's tomorrow to see our families, so the party has to be today! Plus, everyone dressed up in 40's clothing to celebrate!" I explained in a panic.

"If you and the rest of the girls are good, you can have your party in our basement, if you want," Katie said kindly, taking my hand. I was really excited, I'd never been to the human part of the campus before! "Oh, we'll be good," I said quickly, "I promise!"

First my friends and I decided to play rock band. This was quite difficult as the instruments are made for human-sized players. They should really accomodate those who are vertically challenged, like us.

I was in charge of the red and yellow parts of the drums. When one of those colors came across the screen, I kicked the right pad/button thing with my foot. 

Emily was in charge of the blue and green part of the drum. She used a drumstick for the green part.

Kirsten was in charge of the orange part, but I don't think she really got the game. She didn't do so well, but that also could have been due to the fact that she couldn't see the screen.

Chrissa sang, of course, and she did really awesome! She even saved Kirsten, Emily and me at one point when we failed. She had to sing really loud for the human microphone to pick up her voice, but she managed.

Kit was in charge of strumming the guitar at the right time. She also hit the whami (sp?) bar during long notes.

Kailey was in charge of pressing the right buttons on the guitar. She was incredible! She claimed to have never played before, but I'm not sure I believe her.

Next we played hide and seek. Kirsten voluntered to be it. "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-skip-a-few-100!" she yelled then ran to try to find us.

She found Kailey first. As you can see, she had a little trouble getting into her hiding place, one of Katie's sewing bags. Psst, Kailey, next time you wear a skirt, you might want to wear a pair of shorts underneath!

To Kailey's delight, Kirsten found Chrissa next, wedged between the trash and recycling cans.

Then the three out them found Emily underneath the pool table.

I though I was going to win, but then Kirsten found me over by the paper recycling bag. We searched for Kit, but couldn't find her. Finally, Kirsten called, "Ollie-ollie-oxen-free!"

"Here I am!" Kit said with a giggle, peering out from her hiding place behind the display shelves. We all agreed that was an awesome hiding spot, though we can't hide there anymore, because now it's the first place anyone will look!

Then I had to get a couple pictures of Kailey, Chrissa and me because when we're all in 40's clothes like we are here, I think we look like Linda, Susan and me. Don't you agree?

Neither picture turned out very good, but that's okay. After taking pictures, we all watched my movie. Then we had to go back to our part of the campus. This was the best birthday ever!!!!

~Molly McIntire~

PS: Look on the Doll Profiles Page, Katie changed my age!!!!!

PPS: Katie here now. I thought you might want to see some pics of my 11 year old bitty baby, Robby!

Here he's on a display shelf that I have (I'll show you some more pics of the shelf soon!) in a cradle I made about three years ago.

Isn't he so cute? He's missing some of his eyelashes, but I love him anyway. I still have his original meet sleeper, which he's wearing though you can't see it. Thanks for looking!


1 comment:

Emma said...

Way awesome! It was raining here today, too. The party looked like a blast! I'm glad you all had fun. Robby is so cute! :) Happy Easter and Happy B-Day Molly!

~*Emma and her dolls*~